Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blog Award

Wow! I got a blog award from Sheila at Shesasassylady.  I am not sure why because I am not very good at keeping up with posting new projects like the other wonderful and awesome blogs out there, but THANK YOU Sheila.  I am most honored.

Here are the rules for this award:
1. Thank the person who gave this award to you.

2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.

3. List three things which you love about yourself.

4. Post a picture you love.

5. Tag five people you wish to pass this award on to.

3 Things I love about myself, hum this is kind of hard, because all of my live I have been super critical of myself, but here it goes.

1) I love helping people, just by doing little things.

2)  I love being creative and the fact that I can make something out of nothing.  I just craft, garden, etc for myself, but if other people can enjoy it, I think that is great.

3)  I love the fact that I am a good mother, wife(most of the time when I am not super busy :)), and honest person.
I don't have my favorite picture loaded on to my computer, it's of my daughter when she was about 9 month's old, she was beautiful.  I will use this one instead.

It'a a picture of all of us on vacation in Mexico.  I love how beautiful the beach is and the very rare fact that we are all together as a family in a picture.

And here are the great bloggers I am passing this on to.

Diane at Capadiadesigns, her blog is awesome and most informative.
Donna at Popsicletoes, I love love love her cards.
Lorrie at Lorries Story, very bright and beautiful blog.
Pam at The Bug Bytes, don't know what the Gypsy people would do without her.
OhhhSnap, her blog is wonderful, she always has great projects with lots of instructions.

Be sure to check out these blogs.....



Sheila aka SassyLady said...

You deserve the award! and I know you will be doing more as summer is almost over!

~ Lorrie ~ said...

Thank you so much for passing it on to me. I love it!!!

Ohhh Snap said...

Thank you so much. i hope i will be able to post it on my blog next week. in the meantime please know i am deeply appreciative.